Saturday, December 03, 2005

Salem Katrina Team Update for December 3

Good morning, Team. A couple Gautier updates. Pam Martin has agreed that they'll survey the church membership to determine what items other teams can bring to them to replace lost and damaged household items. Many teams could simply load a UHaul, which rents for at most $260 coast-to-coast) before they head for Gautier and thus bring much-needed area rugs, lamps, sofas, washer-dryers and the like. We prepared a form letter to send to teams heading to either the PDA or the church camp to solicit such items to be brought to Gautier.

Salem is helping Gautier via the Internet. We now publish their church web at, Rev. Chris Bullock's blog at and the PDA Camp 1 blog at Cost is nothing because blogs can be published for free, and the work is welcome.

Our team provided the PDA funds to get Victor some pocket money plus a bus ride home for the holidays, but sadly, he lost his wallet somewhere on the lawn - they're still looking for it. The wonderful news is that the teams working in Gautier heard about it and immediately raised $800 to get him home plus a bit of holiday money. Victor heads to the hospital soon for a much-needed hernia repair, then off to Indianapolis for Christmas. Feliz Natividad, Jeffe!

Remember the RICE guys? Super news about them: Steve is replacing Julie as the PDA Camp Director. Imagine...Mayor Steve. His Honor Steve. Boggles the mind, right? Absolutely wonderful news and what a perfect reward for his very, very hard work for so many months. Steve isn't perfect, however. A week or so ago he was working at a home and walked right over a monstor nail. went clean through his boot and the foot inside, and Steve had the pleasant job of pulling it out. A couple stitches, a tetanus shot and a week or so on crutches hasn't slowed him down a bit! Question: is it proper for these college guys to shag a free meal off volunteer teams now that they run the place? Heck yes!

The PDA camp has a new address, moving one mile or so closer to I10, off exit 61. Steve will get us details on the facility soon, but obviously they'll have power, water, etc. for the work teams. They are slowing down now but will ramp up again by the end of next week. Steve really likes the new Canadian tents, now that winter is setting in. The PDA camp is now at 6300 Martin Bluff Road, Gautier.

Chris Bullock is organizing the Gautier Presbyterian Church work teams, with funds already in place to hire a site manager like Julie. He expects 20 to 30 volunteers working out of the church, sleeping in the two rooms at the east end, and using the fellowship hall as before.

Tomorrow I'll give Virginia our final accounting, or at least final without the last fuel bills, for the mission. If anybody has receipts I'd sure appreciate you faxing or emailing them to me today for our report.


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