Monday, October 24, 2005

Salem Katrina Team Update October 24

Good morning, team. Shown on the left is the nearby city of Waveland's City Hall. What's left of it, as you can see, are the steps leading up to...nothing.

The impact of it all is staggering. Imagine Salem losing 1700 homes (the number lost in Gautier) with perhaps 3400 workers and their families in them. 3400 workers who were the doctors, salesmen, gas station attendants, barbers, students, bus drivers, auto mechanics, nurses, grocery store clerks, bankers, teachers, writers, gardeners, postal clerks, home makers, insurance adjusters, and so on. The impact, even on our much larger town, would be crushing. We won't understand this, even after we come back.

What's happening this moment in Gautier? Rev. Chris Bollock of Gautier Presbyterian posted a great collection of photos taken just this last week by a visiting team from Alabama. Here is the link to them so you can download and watch another team doing what we're about to do. Good for them! Click here to download that 2.5 meg movie file.

Downloadable Files: Here are a couple files you might need to download now and then. I keep the PowerPoint file about our Katrina project fairly current, especially regarding funds, etc. PowerPoint show on our team's effort Tif list from PDA of team and individual supply items

Needed gear: We're still scouting for folding ladders, especially the fancy, mult-fold high-tech ones which are so versatile. We also need a big garden cart. We now have three dual burner propane stoves and the Swanson's are bringing their field oven, so our "chuck wagon" function appears to be fully equipped, especially with the big coolers we found yesterday from the Mexico mission. I am reassured by the nearby Lowe's SuperCenter because if we need something we can buy it. Yesterday we were donated a 1500w gas generator to use and leave in Gautier. If you know where I get get some of our needed gear at a good discount, please let me know, or we can discuss your buying it and we'll cover the expense later.

Personal items: I was sent a message yesterday by a volunteer working in the next town over from Gautier. He insists that we bring quality respirators, not the simple paper dusk masks. If you can, visit Lowe's or Home Depot and tell a clerk what you need to protect us from the mold spores...and smells. The proper respirators are hard to find in the local area.

Team Skills: I grow more confident! Not about me, but about each of you! Listening to the folks yesterday was great. When I spoke with Morella on the phone she described the work she's doing in Palm Springs...a real home improvement wonder! And I've seen Joan "work trail" for the Bureau of Land Management...a little thing like a semi-destroyed town should be within the team's grasp!

This blog: Your blog!! Leave some comments, won't you, please? Also, I emailed everyone the signon name and password so you can enter your own postings, so please feel free to do so. Thoughts, worries, suggestions, photos, gripes, whatever are welcome. It is our team's bulletin board to the world!

Looking at the news, I'm thankful that Wilma's impact on Florida was nowhere near the terror which struck the Gulf Coast, but its clear that Mexico and their resorts were badly hit.

I have been "beating the bushes" without shame for support for our Katrina team, but please keep mentioning to friends and loved ones the needs of the people suffering from the earthquakes in the Far East. A death toll over 79,000! So many lives could be spared and further suffering relieved by fast gifts of money, food, water and shelter. I was impressed that Turkey, certainly not a rich nation, is the largest donor of relief funds. MercyCorps in Portland has been doing a great job, but the USA needs to do more.


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