Tuesday, October 18, 2005

First Presbyterian Church of Salem - Katrina Relief

The First Presbyterian Church of Salem Oregon is fielding a team of ten volunteers to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to assist in Hurricane Katrina Relief. Departing October 30, the team will report to Gautier, Mississippi to clear debris, do minor repairs and operate a first aid station. Gautier was badly hit by Katrina, losing 1700 homes and having many more damaged and in need of extensive rehabilitation.

Essential to the effort is raising the necessary budget of $8500 to cover fuel, work materials, food and transportation. The church's own Missions Committee has provided $2000, plus support has been received from nearby First Presbyterian Church of Newberg and First Presbyterian Church of McMinnville. Team members have pledged the remainder, but church officials want very much to limit the gift of the volunteers to their time, not their money, and hope to collect the necessary funds elsewhere.

The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance organization forms volunteer teams from all across the country and assigns them to disaster areas as needed. In Gautier, on the church lawn, tents have been set up for the volunteers who work seven to fourteen days in the area. Showers have recently been added and plans exist to improve electrical power and Internet access. Food is prepared by the volunteers themselves.

Salem's team is dispatching two large motor homes and two smaller vehicles, but most members are flying into the nearby regional airport in Gulfport, only 37 miles away.

This blog is dedicated to the wonderful people I've met as we formed our group of volunteers and to their supporters and families. While in Gautier or wherever else we might be posted in the area, we'll be sending news about our daily experiences for all to read, along with photos as we have the chance to prepare them.

What can you do for us? Well, we need help on our budget or we'll have to pay it all ourselves because, no matter what, we're heading to Gautier. As for materials, we can use several wheelbarrows, a large garden cart, a high pressure gas powered washer, generators, gas and diesel fuel cans, sick room equipment, medical supplies, respirators, propane camp lanterns, dry wall items such as stilts, tape, paste and the like. If you have such items available, contact team leader Wes Carter at rustysilverwings@aol.com or call him at (503) 435-2947, or call the church.

First Presbyterian Church
770 Chemeketa St. NE
Salem, OR 97301-3894
(503) 363-9234


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